I know that the defense that gays are not Africans is far too void to be listened to people (Zulu’s used to do that shit)
However I do not think that Europeans forcing Africans to accept gay relationship as acceptable makes it African.
I do not have a heart for gays and I will never apologize for that, I honestly refuse their imposition as an orientation in the same breath that I accept social and liberal temperament in society.
I just think that some lines should not be crossed.
Now about gays I never thought them as a threat till; the white people forced us to hate them. Why should they equate the very aid they give us to sexual preferences.
What is more important to Britain, whether we are gays or whether we die of starvation, malaria and AIDS
Honestly if I was by the remotest chance gay how would I feel when millions of children die around me just because my government does not recognize me. If my brother or sister will go to a hospital without malaria drugs or my mother miscarries because of a bout of malaria just because Europeans think the government should acknowledge my presence.
In fight for Universal rights the course of action assumed by Britain is not only morally wrong, imperialistic but downright perversion of the very ideals they are fighting for.
They point out that similar policy worked wonders in enforcing democracy, insinuation: whenever they want us to accept their ideas good or bad they use aid.
This is a wakeup call for all Africans to realize that aid is the carrot on the stick, it is the neocolonial church or school or administration or culture that’s enslaving us.
In other news America will not cripple Iran’s central bank because of the fragile financial situation and so let them build A bombs. We do not have oil, Iran’s bargaining power so when they decide they’ll cripple our central banks and there’s nothing we can do about it.