...although we have walked a thousand seasons from you and are yet to walk a thousand others to get you, we have to start somewhere, to get to the Nation of Africa

Monday, June 4, 2012

Opinion polls and relevance to peace initiatives

While the effect of the media is debatable in more progressive societies in terms of education and sociocultural dynamics in Kenya today the effect of media generated messages is insurmountable especially opinion polls among the masses.

In January 2012, Article 19 Free World Centre analyzed the Kenyan Publication of Electoral Opinions Bill, 2011 (the Bill) from the perspective of international and comparative standards on freedom of expression and freedom of information and observed that opinion polls can exercise particular influence on the outcome of elections and can also be quite distorting. This is particularly true of polls and projections commissioned or conducted by a biased source. polls and projections may have an effect on the vote itself, rather than simply reflect public sentiment.

With this assertion and a mood in the Kenyan media of pure commercialization there is ever great risk of distortion and to some extent biasness that might fuel outbursts of sentiments largely leading to violence. We have witnessed in the recent past blatant distortion where media organizationsbacking an electoral side (especially during the referendum) impressing upon Kenyans figures that come out as largely debateble to an objective mind but passes of as gospel truth to the hoi polloi.

During an engagement with residents in an informal settlement here in Kenya during a peace building initiative, i witnessed peculiar observations regarding opinion polls.

One, they disowned its credibility in their own remote sense (non-scientific) that it was done out there without their involvemnt. one woman managed a resounding countenance to this sentimeent asking all who were present to state if any of them had actually ever been consulted for their opinion yet the polls were supposed to reflecttheir stand? They all said no.

Two, they recognized the impact it had on thier status quo despite having no hand in framing this opinion annalysis. Aparently this opinion led to massive divisions endless arguements that more or less ended up in fistfights (Pocket violence) and that it further polarized them each laying claim to statistics that are to a large extent conflicting depending to a large extent on the political persperctive a media seeks to impress as popular among masses.

Three, they asked for these 'things' to be done away with.

But we all know that would be gagin expression and the bill in parliament to pass legislation on opinion polls is the way to go.

and in this light Civil Society movements who pursue peace building initiatives in the country should extensively put their voice to the bill informing its passing into law and implementation. ensuring loopholes are sealed so that a watertight law addresses an issue that might go a long way in keeping violence at arms lenght

Friday, June 1, 2012

Fuck aids

I know that the defense that gays are not Africans is far too void to be listened to people (Zulu’s used to do that shit)
However I do not think that Europeans forcing Africans to accept gay relationship as acceptable makes it African.
I do not have a heart for gays and I will never apologize for that, I honestly refuse their imposition as an orientation in the same breath that I accept social and liberal temperament in society.
I just think that some lines should not be crossed.
Now about gays I never thought them as a threat till; the white people forced us to hate them. Why should they equate the very aid they give us to sexual preferences.
What is more important to Britain, whether we are gays or whether we die of starvation, malaria and AIDS
Honestly if I was by the remotest chance gay how would I feel when millions of children die around me just because my government does not recognize me. If my brother or sister will go to a hospital without malaria drugs or my mother miscarries because of a bout of malaria just because Europeans think the government should acknowledge my presence.
In fight for Universal rights the course of action assumed by Britain is not only morally wrong, imperialistic but downright perversion of the very ideals they are fighting for.
They point out that similar policy worked wonders in enforcing democracy, insinuation: whenever they want us to accept their ideas good or bad they use aid.
This is a wakeup call for all Africans to realize that aid is the carrot on the stick, it is the neocolonial church or school or administration or culture that’s enslaving us.
In other news America will not cripple Iran’s central bank because of the fragile financial situation and so let them build A bombs. We do not have oil, Iran’s bargaining power so when they decide they’ll cripple our central banks and there’s nothing we can do about it.