...although we have walked a thousand seasons from you and are yet to walk a thousand others to get you, we have to start somewhere, to get to the Nation of Africa

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The NATO well in the Arab Springs

It is deplorable for the global politics to take the turn it is taking and insulting to Africans who honor their freedom struggles from colonization. The NATO action in Libya is despicable colonist and bullish of the West. We have accepted their iron fist control on our economy and subliminal control of our polities but they are overdoing it and have taken enough for the owner t notice.
While the West media continues to sell the democratic process in Libya where NATO flies fighter jets over Tripoli in the daylight bombing Libya TV, the rest of us do not buy it. In as much as it is strategic to bomb propaganda cells like Libya TV to win a psychological war it is irresponsible and NATOs Achilles hill to destroy opinion of whoever voices it. The innocent journalists are not ruling so why bomb them when they are not holding any arms against you.
We are made to believe that the media in Libya is spreading bigotry but so are the West media. Libya is NATO drilled well in the Arab springs! It is a west aided takeover by the rebels and not a revolution as witnessed in other Arab neighbors.
We have seen great disparities in the revolutions and the CIA doctored pseudo revolution in Libya which stinks more of a western take over than freedom for Libyan free people.
NATO will win the war but it will lose the stupefaction it exercises over African people. They will expose their vested interest and attract more vengeance that it attracts in the Middle East
I call upon the African Union to stand up and be counted. They come to the war claiming Kaddafi is killing Libyans what about their own shelling of Tripoli.
Would we rather Americans, Britain and France kill Libyans?
The AU must refuse to recognize the West supported rebel government unless the legal and truly democratic diplomatic efforts are taken to solve the Libyan impasse.
Let change in Libya come from within! Let African voices rise against colonization!

1 comment:

  1. Friends, read this article about Libya and the "Arab Revolts" and if you find it as important as I do, disseminate it:


    I am standing by your struggle against imperialism and systemic domination, for a society without rulers and subordinates!
